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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Earthquake Calendar: Day One

The kids & I play at QCS Wednesday night.
The green steps to the left above Reece's shoulder are where
Kez and I sat at the time of the Quake.
Tuesday 1/12
Quake hits while at Quisqueya Christian School. Reunion with Francois on road in front of Orphanage and then with kids & staff in Alix’s field. Trips back and forth between O & field to retrieve books, blankets (for kids and for the wounded who are trickling into the field where Kez, who arrives an hour or so after the quake, begins treating them), diapers, bottles, a dinner of half a peanut butter sandwich for each child (Reggie helps), flashlights, try the internet connection (no connection). Meet young American woman who lost her husband at St. Joe’s. Help kids pee in the grass. Tell kids, it's like a camp-out, without the campfire. After kids secure and sleeping, help Kez. Search the neighborhood for alcohol for dying woman with crushed legs. Sing to her with two Americans, pray with her. She dies. Move her body. Trips with Kez to her apartment -which, miraculously, was spared- for supplies. Walk with Francois and Reggie to bring woman on stretcher to Kez. Move another body. Accompany Venise with Manita to find a suitable toilet. Megan Haug and Troy Livesay arrive around midnight from Tabarre. Troy sends twitter saying we are safe. Give Megan parents’ contact info to relay message about our situation. Finally sleep, feeling in my whole body the earth-tremors throughout the night and hearing the loud prayers and singing of the Haitian women. God withholds the rain, clearing the sky to reveal His beautiful constellations. Tell Reece, you can study the stars when you grow up if you want to.

The nannies- many of whom did not know the condition

of their own families or homes- formed a perimeter

around the kids that first night. Few, if any, of these women slept.

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